11 September 2012

I wrote a short story... & I need your help!

Hey fellow followers! I entered a contest on figment, where you write a short story {of 1200 words} and would love it if you would take the time to read through it and "heart" if you like it. Leave comments and or reviews about what you feel. Don't worry, I take criticism very well.

I haven't written anything in a very very long time, so I know this isn't up to what I can do. But it's going to be the one I enter.
I had a hard time fighting with making 1200 words. After going through and editing I would end up with less then somehow end up with more. But in the end, I hit 1200 on the nose!

It's called Just Drive and you read the summary as well as the short story by clicking here. It's kind of a companion to the novel that I've been working on for some years now. This one focuses on the daughter of the MC in said novel.

I hope you like it, and if you do, please share on twitter, facebook, email. Whatever! I would greatly appreciate it!

Thanks again!! Lots of love!! ^_^♥

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© Iridescent Lotus
Maira Gall