01 November 2010

Guess Who's a Slacker Blogger. . .

I haven't been on Blogger nor posted anything in quite sometime! Let's blame it on the amazingness that is Supernutural and Smallville. For some reason unbeknownst to be, I decided to catch up on five seasons of Supernatural and nine seasons of Smallville before the end of their seasons this fall. I'm all caught up on Supernatural and I'm currently in season 5 of Smallville. So for that I am quite behind on the reading department. I have only one book to review! [That I've yet to even attempt to review]

I am currently reading Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler. . . .Very slowly. I did not read the book that has been under "currently reading" for about a month now on my blog, goodreads, facebook, etc. (Take Me There by Carolee Dean) So, don't expect a review for that book any time soon!

I'm so glad it's finally NOVEMBER!! Not only is it the first day of NaNoWriMo but Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I comes out this month as well! And Thanksgiving is at the end of the month...score!

I will be participating in NaNoWriMo this year, my page is here, I'm still editing everything! (If you want to learn more about it just go to my page & then click the logo at the top left corner. It's currently very slow because of the heavy traffic!) I will be putting in a synopsis and a cover soon, but I'd like to wait until it's a little more developed. My book will be a contemporary Young Adult about a boy named Daniel. That's all you get! :)

I'm trying to think of something that make be slightly exciting new in my life... But no. There's nothing to say!

Add me on: facebook | goodreads | twitter | myspace | NaNoWriMo

This month I am going to try to post a blog every day either a meme/feature and or a review, random, etc.
I'll be giving random updates on my book and I may give quotes as well. I will be changing my layout soon (probably to a more Christmas theme) and more!

If you have a NaNoWriMo page, leave your username and or link in a comment.

What did you do for Halloween!? 
© Iridescent Lotus
Maira Gall