16 February 2016

Top Ten Tuesday [002] // Tune Tuesday

Top Ten Songs You Wish Were Books!
Broke and the Bookish actually gave a couple of options this week, and this is the one I chose. This was extremely hard for me to choose ten songs! Whenever I get inspiration to write, it usually comes from a book, so when I chose each song, I actually mentally plotted out what I would love to see happen with these!

  1. "No Woman I've Found" by Madison|LST [lyrics]
    With this one, you won't be able to find the song online anywhere... so I typed up the lyrics & put them in a google doc for you to read them. I would love the book to be from a male POV and he imagines all of these scenarios in his head involving this girl & the last line simply reads "she asks me to walk her in and then. . ." Ugh.. The amazing and annoying perfectness! Unfortunately you can't find this song anywhere online. Tweet Madison|LST and tell him to put it back up. :)  (@madisonlst)

  2. "Whalien 52" by BTS [song & lyrics]
    I know that if you read the lyrics, everyone would imagine something completely different. But personally, I see a guy who is overseas, falls in love with a girl and her family won't accept him. Even though he knows the language, culture, music. He just wants to be seen. Yeah... we'll go with that! 😂

  3. "André" by JoJo [song | lyrics]
    I imagine a girl in the midst of getting married and she's ridiculously stressed out and she finds a journal she kept when she first met her soon to be husband. In it she's reminded of all the amazing things about him and how she felt when she first met him; and it helps calm her down and realize that as long as she's with him... that's all that matters. That no matter where they end up "it all makes perfect sense."

  4. "Do You" by Rap Monster [song & lyrics]
     I imagine a girl who lives her life through 'self-help' books and carefully plots every single day. Until she meets someone (Maybe like Rap Mon?) who shows her that there is so much out there and shows her she can still do what the fuck she wants and that it's OKAY!! (no love triangles here).

  5. "Fearless" by Taylor Swift [song | lyrics]
    Honestly... I see it as a girly lovey dovey NA. Nothing special here. I just like how the love sounds like it could be powerful, beautiful, and fearless!

  6. "Sound of Pulling Heaven Down" by Blue October [song | lyrics]
      ↓AND↓ (6 & 7, I imagine pretty much the same thing)
  7.  "Darker Shades" by ¡MAYDAY! [song | lyrics]
    I imagine a world on the brink of an apocalypse. It's hundreds of years into the future and scientists were able to determine the end of the world, warning the population that things are about to go very very bad in a few months time. And instead of going into a panic, 4-6 friends decide that the only thing that matters is facing every fear they have...together. Including traveling as far as possible in the continental US, falling in love, losing virginities, trying alcohol, drugs. Doing everything that won't matter after awhile when you'll be gone anyways. Basically a book before the apocalypse. I would see it focusing on one girl in particular with a few chapters or paragraphs from her friends. 

  8. "널 사랑하겠어 (I Choose to Love You)" by: Dong Mulwon[original] or Hyorin [song | lyrics]
    A story that spans over time about two people who can't let go of each other. No matter where they are in the world and finally...after years of separation, other relationships, jobs, highs & lows--they are able to reunite and come together. Realizing they were truly meant for each other.

  9. "싫다Hate it" by Baek Ji Young [song & lyrics]
    A woman has lost her husband in the war and tries desperately to move on. I feel like someone who has actually been in thi situation (maybe not necessarily to war... murder... detainment...suicide...kidnap...whatever) can write such a story. I would want to be so gripped with emotion it would be hard to continue the story!
  10. "Far Away" by Nickelback [song | lyrics]
    The nostalgic feels that happen when I hear that first cord. I could still cry from it. This video shows a story with so much more than the way I lived this song. Think high school love I had a hard time accepting and letting go at the same time. (terrible time, love still freaks me out) I would love it to be almost exactly what I went through. It would piss off and annoy a majority of the readers, but that was me. I really really liked a guy, he liked me, I pushed him away--missing that opportunity and then pined for him for about 3 years. Trying so hard to send mental signals that I was ready. Eventually we graduated and all moved on. Annoying right!? *sigh*

That took an exceptionally long time to put together. But there it is, my Top Ten Tuesday list and Tune Tuesday! Maybe someday I'll actually write one of these. Loving the idea for 6/7!


  1. I love that you included some BTS tracks! Do You is such a jam and I'd love to see that one translated into book form.

    Here's my list: https://bookstacksamber.wordpress.com/2016/02/16/top-ten-tuesday-songs-i-wish-were-books/

    1. Ugh! Your blog is friggin adorable! New follower.
      And thank you for stopping by and following on bloglovin'!

  2. Great list! Fearless by Taylor Swift would make an awesome book. By the way, I love your blog design! :D
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by!
      You have a lovely blog. Love the graphics. New follower.


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Maira Gall