13 June 2010

Well, here's a Bodacious Award.

Well, let me say that I am happy & surprised to have an award! I know that there are maybe three people who are loyal readers who I love, but to get an award? Shut the front door! (Or as my brother says, STFD. Yes, the letters.)
I'm quite honored and feel like I have something huge to uphold! So, I'll try super hard to make this blog better to gain more readers and keep the ones I have!
I won this award from one amazing blogger, Amanda from Another Book Junkie. Because of the rules, I can't give it back to her. So I'm going just say thank you!

And those rules are:
If you are given this award you must first accept it by leaving a comment on the post you were nominated on. Then copy and paste the post and add it to your own blog. Make a list of the last 5 books you read and pass the award on to 5 other bloggers (no backsies!). Please also identify the blog from which you got the award and don’t forget to tell your picks that they have a blog award!

The last five books I read were:
  1. Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by: Morgan Matson (review)
  2. Two-way Street by: Lauren Barnholdt (review)
  3. Bleeding Violet by: Dia Reeves (review)
  4. Something Like Fate by: Susane Colasanti (review)
  5. The Boy Next Door by: Meg Cabot (review)

    The five bloggers I pass this award to are:
    1. Marie from Marie Loves Books.
    2. Kate from I Just Want to Sit Here And Read.
    3. Tori from The Book Faery.
    4. Anna from Book Nerds.
    5. Melina from Reading Vacation.

    So follow all these people & tell them I sent you! :)


    1. Another award for you at my blog. :D

    2. Congrats! You deserve it :)

      Thanks so much for passing it on to me

    3. Shanise,

      Thank you for passing this award on to Reading Vacation. You are very sweet. I see your blog is rather new - so is mine. Your blog is very nice. I am following you now.


    4. Congrats!!!!
      I also have an award for you back at my blog! (congrats, again!) =)

    5. Thanks for giving me this award, I really appreciate it!

      Here is my follow-up post
      I Just Wanna Sit Here and Read!


    Show a bit of love and let me know what you think! *HUGS* ^_^~

    © Iridescent Lotus
    Maira Gall