13 September 2010

Meet Me on Monday (007)

Meet Me on Monday is hosted by Never Growing Old and it's a meme for bloggers to get to know each other one Monday at a time.

This week's questions:

1. What is your favorite pasta dish?
Fetuccine Alfredo! Especially from a restaurant called "Zio's"!! I love love it! I'll add chicken sometimes, but it's just as good without. Their spicy alfredo dish is amazing-er!! :-)

2. What is the last thing you do before going to bed?
I have a routine: Let LeeLee(my dog) outside, brush teeth, get a glass of water, let LeeLee in, turn on my iPod & climb into bed...so I guess the iPod.

3. How many nights a week do you go out to eat?
That all depends on my mom. It could be 0-5 nights. Average about 2 nights.

4. Are you an avid book reader?
Yes. Seeing as how this blog is dedicated to reading & reviewing them. lol. I wish I could read more in a week. I'm quite a fast reader, I just don't read enough at once.

5. Would you rather have x-ray vision or bionic hearing?
I have pretty decent hearing already but I don't know if I'd want bionic hearing! Though x-ray vision could save a life, it's also way too much visual...so I guess the hearing wins!

What about YOUR Monday!?
© Iridescent Lotus
Maira Gall